Works of Fiction

From 2001 to 2004, Maxx took on a bodacious challenge and wrote two highly charged novels under the genre Women’s Dramatic and Literary Fiction.

Josephine Famous, Soul of a Woman
Count:   about 101,000 words (linear novel)
Genre:   Women Dramatic & Literary Fiction
Unpublished Work © 2001 Shar’Ron Maxx Mahaffey
For some women, if love and happiness don’t come to them on a silver platter or neatly wrapped in a box with a pink bow and inside is a Cinderella ending, they never experience what they consider ‘real’ love and ‘true’ happiness.  They spend their lifetime looking for acceptance in all the wrong places and yearning for the fairy tale…a perfect family, a perfect lover, a perfect life.  Consequently, they become clever and skilled at hiding the depth of their misery and will go to any length to fill that “hole” in their soul.  Such is the case with fashion designer Josephine Famous (formerly Mary Jo Harris of Biola, Arkansas).  She has felt unloved and unwanted as far back as in the womb—so unloved that most times she feels invisible.  Her longing for love and acceptance stems from her turbulent relationship with her religious zealot mother. 

Though she spends her entire life, from childhood to womanhood, fighting her way out of a maze of unmerciful realism—feelings of inadequacies, a mother’s cruelty, attempted suicide, unrequited love, and family secrets and lies—her life is full of contradictions. 

Five generations of women, corrupt and unprincipled, of diverse backgrounds and all intimately acquainted with her longing and suffering influence her survival.  She learns that happiness comes at a price, and the price she pays to fill that enormous ‘hole’ in her soul is of great consequence.

Love Tells No Lies, Modern Women Stories
Count:   about 89,000 words (collection of 5 long fictions)
Genre:   Women Commercial & Literary Fiction
Unpublished Work © 2004 Shar’Ron Maxx Mahaffey
The intensity, scope, and subject matters of these five long fiction are appropriate for our present time.  First written as short stories of about 3,000 words each, evolved into an 89,000-word collection.

Each story has an intriguing woman as the main character.  These five women have similar trials and similar triumphs.

“Broken Trust”, a young girl endures an emotional hell maturing into womanhood and becoming a popular jazz singer after being raped on her thirteenth birthday and having it continue for almost two years.

“Letting Go”, a New York magazine editor deals with infidelity and losing her identity to her marriage.

“Sins of A Mother”, a New York attorney discovers that her affluent and controlling mother gave away the twins she thought was born dead. 

A Dallas investigative reporter in “Voice of My Conscience” uncovers the mystery surrounding three voodoo homicides and the involvement of the lead detective on the case.

A short-order waitress in “Love You to Death” carries on a life with her dead husband.   


#REPOST Real life is the curve of the river The strength of the ocean It’s the swaying of trees It’s pouring rain and bright sunshine...