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S. Maxx Mahaffey
Business Development Consultant
Author, Writer, Editor

Maxx 2020
Northern Virginia
Shar’Ron Maxx Mahaffey is her true legal name, and she goes by Maxx. She started her professional career in 1976 as a computer operator, but her passion has always been writing. A writer was the only thing she ever wanted to be, except for being a lawyer. She has had a deep, abiding passion for writing since age 16 when she wrote a 4-act play about her high school friends. Her English teacher was so impressed that she told her that she should be a writer when she grew up. However, Maxx married her high school boyfriend after a year at Arkansas State University, which took her to live in Japan and then California where she resided for over 26 years.

Maxx 1975
San Francisco Bay Area 

Faced with the likelihood of divorce and raising two children as a single parent, Maxx went back to school and got a business degree in computer programming because writing wasn’t going to put food on the table or keep the utilities turned on. At that time in 1976, she was one of a limited number of people who knew how to program and operate computers and it landed her a job with the State of California in their data processing department. Two years later she gave birth to her third child.
Maxx 1981
Sacramento, California 

As Maxx made her way up the career ladder
from a computer operator to operations supervisor to eventually, in 1981, a computer teacher, writing was an intricate part of what she did. Her first big public acknowledgement for her writing came when she wrote the course curriculum for the first ever computer programming and word processing vocational training courses in the Los Angeles county school district. She designed and implemented the training program, which was approved by the California Dept. of Education and became the foundation for all future vocational computer training in the state of California.

Maxx was born to write. Creatively, since 1986 to the present date, she has written well over a quarter million words and her work has been published in international, national, and regional publications and online. After her computer career, she worked professionally as a business writer for well over ten years producing a varied of business reports, ads and website content, and primarily translating systems into technical instructions.

From 1986 to 1995, she wrote several short stories that gained her notoriety in several national publications, and in 1990, she self-published a poetry book in hardcover titled, “When Darkness Covers the Light” and sold 1,500 copies. You can read some of her poems that were published in the book online along with other published poems under the title "Poetry In Motion: A Collection".

Maxx 1985
New York City
From 1987-88, Maxx went into the studio and produced a demo of five songs that she wrote the lyrics to and created the melody…”You’re The One For Me”, “Save The Children”, “Promises”, “He Is So Real”, and “Wake Up Everybody.” She recently transferred those five songs from cassette to CD and compiled them under the title “Unfinished Business.” It is her goal to re-record them using various aspiring singers.

In 1991, Maxx resigned her computer instructor position for a more financially rewarding career in sales and marketing as administration manager for a major corporation. She continued to write constantly and voluminously as she moved up the corporate ladder.

Maxx (L) Jen (R) 1997
Greenwich Village, NY
In 1995 after experiencing “The Celestine Prophecy,” a profound best-selling book by James Redfield, Maxx gave up a substantial salary and stepped out on her faith, and founded “Reflections Of You® Journal” (ISSN 1087-4062), an international journal of insight and perspective. “Reflections…” started as a 4-page newsletter and evolved into as one reporter wrote, “a 38-paged myriad of thoughts.” It was a forum for open-minded and freethinking writers, poets, and artists. The thought provoking and uplifting writings inspired readers across the U.S., and in Canada, India and parts of Europe. To help get “Reflections…” started, she inspired friends, relatives and others to support her efforts; and they did it as a labor of love. They contributed their talent, time, and even their money. The magazine’s signature poem still inspires people more than 25 years later.

From 2001 to 2004, Maxx took on a bodacious challenge and wrote two highly charged novels under the genre Women’s Dramatic and Literary Fiction: "Josephine Famous (Soul of A Woman)" about 101,000 words and "Love Tells No Lies, Modern Women Stories" about 87,000 words. The reviews are positive. However, Maxx doesn’t plan to wait too long for a publisher to make her an offer. She says, “I won’t wait forever,” she said laughing, “I will publish them myself, and I know how to do it professionally and I will hire the right people to market and sell it.” Her statement demonstrates the strength of the confidence she has in her abilities as a writer and an independent publisher.

In 2005, she authored her first nonfiction book of personal experience essays titled "Standing In The Light of My Truth (Valuable Insights and Practical Exercises for Self-Investigation and Self-Discovery)" (ISBN 0-9621144-2-1, published 2005, Enlightenment Publishing). Chapter 17 deals with her life story about mental and physical abuse at the hands of her stepmother and how it showed up in her exterior life and her journey to forgiveness.

Maxx’s articles and essays like “Do We Have Innate Wisdom”, “Love Is Many Things", "Your Life No Longer An Option: Don't Look Back" and “God Is Not A Religion” have encouraged, enlightened, inspired and motivated her readers You can read her thought-provoking Q & A, conducted by writer and author Christal A. Cooper, about her book “Standing In the Light . . .” online.

In 2006, she started a line of greeting cards under the name Treasure Trove Greetings, and a novelty business of handmade decorative pillows with inspirational messages marketed under the name Thoughtful Art.

From 2008 until present, she has many media and political commentaries published online and revisited some of her earlier published most popular articles, essays, and poetry along with new ones and a collection of blogs and commentaries posted on popular sites.
Maxx 1997
Northern Virginia 

In 2012, Maxx formed Maxx Enterprises LLC and under that umbrella she created PEN-IT-ON-ME, Branding, Writing, and Editing Services, a venture to support emerging entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Her children Kristie, Frank, and Terrie, now all adults, blessed her with 7 grandchildren (4 girls which includes a set of twins and 3 boys). She's still waiting on her son to marry and have children.

Maxx says, “I write to release my creative energy, to express my innermost feelings and thoughts, and to share my life's stories and lessons learned.” Her inspiration is a core belief that sharing her life experiences is a way to find the answer to life's questions. She added, “I feel privileged to have this talent, which is as natural to me as breathing.”

Maxx’s philosophy about life:

  • Live your life to its fullest and let others live theirs without your judgment. 
  • Be respectful of differences and embrace diversity. 
  • Love is a's not what you say but what you do because actions speak louder. 
  • Words can heal or they can hurt; therefore, choose your words wisely. 
  • Be open to others' opinions and perspectives. 
  • Remain true to your principles and do not sacrifice your morals and values.


#REPOST Real life is the curve of the river The strength of the ocean It’s the swaying of trees It’s pouring rain and bright sunshine...